Friday, October 06, 2006

Miroslav is a tall, handsome man who is nearing 30 years old. He is
one of the young men that many people look at and think that he has it all together. He is successful in business.
He's married and has a couple of children.

Miro is actually a person that I admire a lot - but not for the attributes mentioned above. It is because of Miroslav that I got hooked into the blog culture. I admire Miro for his candor and questioning. You see, until last year Miro was involved in a
Bible believing church. His parents became Jesus hippies about the time that my husband and I had outgrown it. (Even though my girls say that they can still see the Jesus hippie roots

Now Miro calls himself an agnostic. He isn't sure what he believes.
He very eloquently verbalizes the questions that many of todays generation feel.

And so that leaves me in a quandary. Was he saved and then he lost
his salvation? Was he ever saved ? He claims to have believed. But then my theology comes back - so does Satan
- Satan believes with fear and trembling.
- Something Miro is lacking is fear and trembling.
I think about the parable of the seeds and the sower and think "did
Miro's faith just get overcome by the joys and cares of this life"?

He is not seeking. He is questioning though and I can understand why. Even though he may not admit it - his awesome, loving parents had failed each other and thus him. His church failed him. What he was taught (and not taught) growing up failed him. And so he questions 'what is life all about?"

He started blogging in an attempt to make sense of life. I couldn't
resist trying to answer him. In the process he has worked wonders to strengthen my faith!

I've told him that he is in good company - Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes
when he was in a doubting mode. How long did Solomon take to write the book? He tried wisdom, hard work and foolishness. He tried wine and folly. It wasn't until much later in Solomon's life that he came to this :

“The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His
commandments, because this applies to every person. For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)

If you read his blog, http://miroslavsmusings.blogspot.comyou will
find jewels of thought and glimpses of failures that have brought him to where he is today.

But my question is "how could it have been prevented?" What sustains
one person when the going gets tough or when the going gets too good for that matter?
Eventually, life will allow you to see failures in yourself and others. The church is the biggest place to find failures.
My daughter named her blog,
because of the saying "Evangelism is one beggar telling another beggar where to get bread". This saying should also apply to the church.

My prayer for my children since they were very little is that God
would show Himself to them to be more real than the sidewalk they stand on or the air that they breathe. Small children have the faith thing figured out. That is why Jesus said that you must become like a little
child to go into the kingdom of God. But as we grow older we forget
to look with spiritual eyes and we see only the physical around us-- like looking at a black and white photograph and thinking that is all there is.

My pastor, Phil challenged us to write out a personal mission
statement. Mine would be to bring the reality of the AWESOME God to the consideration of others -
whether they are believers or nonbelievers. I see my job of pleading with this wondrous creator for the souls of those like Miro who do not know the love and peace of God, to cry that the great
physician will supply the balm to heal hurts and relationships, to teach others the miracles that happen when people call to the Living Lord. My job is to somehow change the film from black and white to reveal the depth and richness that can only come from spending time with a living GOD.

And so this blog was born and my learning about prayer will be shared
with those that care to read it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miro will rise again. His plight, as you mentioned...has him in very good company. His Father, has power over life, death, and doubt.

Miro is just doing some wilderness time.

We all get to.

Miro's other father

6:50 PM  
Blogger DJ said...

Hi Pam D,

You and I have something in common; we both started our own blog because of Miro's honesty and candor. I really appreciate how he has shared his thoughts and feelings. He says out loud what most people think inside. I think that is what makes it so appealing. DJ

6:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Pam D.

So true - all that you wrote of Miroslav. He is quite a man.

Another thing to note about his honesty and candor - as a young boy and teenager, he prayed for me and my walk with the Lord as I wandered in the wilderness. He encouraged me with letters and honest conversations during most of my time out there (still does, but without letters).

After 15 years, I found my way back to where I belong. And now, as his other father said, it's Miro's turn in the wilderness.

I praise God for His faithfulness and restoration of the life He had planned for me - one with hope and a future. I pray for our precious son many times a day. I love that our God never fails us and I am looking forward to the day Miro's faith is rekindled.

God bless us all.

Miro's Momma

9:38 AM  
Blogger Miroslav said...

Dad, DJ, Momma,
Thanks for your kind words! Love to you all.

Pam D,
I am glad to see that you are doing the blogging thing and glad to know that I helped encourage you to do it. Also glad to hear that I've been a catalyst to strengthen your faith. I haven't read all of your posts yet, but figured I'd reply to this one first.

A couple of thoughts:

You wrote: "He is not seeking." - This statement caught me by surprise. Perhaps our definitions are not the same?

You wrote: "He started blogging in an attempt to make sense of life." - Not exactly. I talked about the 'why?' in my first entry.

Ecclesiastes is my favorite in the Good Book!

Block on sista'! I've found it to be a wonderful outlet for me.

1:38 PM  
Blogger Pam D said...

in your original blog you state;
I have a lot of thoughts racing through my head. I need a place to vent, to struggle, to rage. Some way of expressing all that goes on in this life/mind/heart of mine that doesn't demand a response from anybody.
And I think that you do this elequently. And as I said - this has infuenced my blogging.

However, I have to still say that seekers want answers. They do not want to just rage and express what is in their heart. You state fact, you lay life down as you see it. You examine what is around you and in your heart.

Maybe the definition is slight - and I'm sorry if it offended. I haven't read every thing that you've written - but I don't see you examining people of faith and finding out who or what it is that they worship. I don't see you asking why DJ is so passionate about Israel. I don't see you asking why your parents believe.

Maybe you just are seeking in the right direction.

9:03 PM  
Blogger Miroslav said...

Pam D,
No offense at all. :)
Each of the things you mentioned (examining people of faith, asking why DJ is so passionate about Israel, asking why your parents believe) are things that I've been doing for a long time and continue to do ... sometimes those conversations made it to the blog, but most of the time they did not. The blog was not an all encompassing or complete diary of my faith struggle.

10:31 AM  

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